Once upon a time there was an ugly troll called Twigg. He liked to eat royalty such as kings, queens, princes and princesses. Twig longed to eat the king of Sweden. Twigg’s house was an ugly house in an ugly village of ugly trolls. Twigg’s best friend was called Stik. Stik was brown and always sticky. Twigg’s other friend, Scratch, was an incredibly tall troll with big finger nails that instantly grow back when you cut them.
One day Twigg and his friends set off to the castle of Norrington to eat the prince of Norrington, Sir James of Norrington. When they departed they forgot the slug and bug milkshakes so stik ran back and got them. Finally they left to go right only to go left again to cross a scarecrow called Greg. Greg was ugly. He had to be ugly to scare away the magpies