My STARSHIP Experience
When we packed up to leave early on a Monday morning I asked, “How long are we going be in Auckland?”
Toni had a long reply of “We are staying at my mum's house in Helensville, then we are going to get my house at Ronald McDonald house, next checking you in at hospital and you are going to stay there for a few days, then we are going home”
I said, “Sweet”
Then we left to go to Palmy hospital to get our petrol vouchers. When we left Palmy we went to Feilding to get fuel. When we did Toni brought us a chicken cordon bleu.
When we departed for Auckland ‘Tenacious D’ came on. The song was called ‘The best song in the world’ by Jack Black. When we stopped it was in Ohakune, where we stopped at BP and had a pie. Then we departed for Trevor and Sue's house where we stopped and had a cup of tea and a biscuit. Then she gave us some grapes and we were off. When we got to Auckland we saw Ben, who is my older brother and Toni's mom. Then we had dinner which was yummy and I went to bed.
In the morning we went to Auckland at 12:00pm to check me into the hospital and to check Toni into her apartment. Toni checked me in and left to go do her checking in.
I met a kid named Bailey. He had something wrong with his calf muscle. He left within an hour of me being at the hospital but surely after that another kid came in. He was named Anthony and he had a curvy spin so he had a metal post on his wheel chair to hold his neck brace up to help his spine go straight. But on the 29/3/2016 he had a 8-10 hour surgery to put metal rods in his spine to completely straighten it. Well getting back to the story, he was 16 but get this … he was around about the same size as Lauren Gillespie which I think is pretty funny. When Toni got back I introduced her to Anthony. He was pleased to meet her.
Anyway, one of the nurses came in to do a pulse test. There was one strap that went around my index finger and one that went around the bit before your shoulder. It squeezed until you relaxed and it loosened up a bit.
Then it was dinner time. I ate the desserts first and so did Anthony. I could not be bothered eating the rest. Then Toni came with her laptop and I played tanki and so did Anthony. His name was Poulola. He was pretty good at it too. Then it was bedtime and I said goodnight to Toni and fell asleep at 11:00pm
Before that I was on Toni's computer in the morning. I wasn't allowed to eat anything before my surgery. When the nurses carried me on my bed downstairs I was really nervous because I didn't know what it would feel like when they gave me the anesthetic or what it felt like afterwards.
When I woke up Toni was there and I didn't know where my pants were and I had a blood drain to drain out all of the bad blood from where my surgery wound was. I was really sore when I woke up so the lady that was next to me gave me some pain relief through a thing called a lure in my hand.
When I got back up to the ward where I was staying I played on Toni’s computer. When Anthony came back from wherever he was he asked if I was ok and how much pain I was in.
I was pretty sore at that time so I said, “Quite a bit.”
He said, “Jesus Christ.” Then he got ready to go to the teen lounge which is a space where it is for 12 year olds and up. They have an Xbox, a playstation 2 and a wii. When he came back we played some tanki together. The nurse gave me lunch. It was yummy in my tummy. After lunch I watched TV on cartoon network. It was Sonic the hedgehog playing. I liked it.
Then it was dinner time. For dinner it was pork, mashed potato, vegetables, ice cream and jelly. The anesthetic made me not very hungry so I only ate the puddings. In the morning I had stale cornflakes, floppy toast and orange juice.
Then I had the drain pulled out and it felt like someone was burning my skin with a lighter. Then they changed the brace to a grey one which has dials on the sides that limits the movement of my knee. I said goodbye to Anthony when he was going to school at floor 1 in Starship and I played tanki with James and Johnny. I had lunch, which was a sandwich, a scone and some berry mousse which was yummy. After lunch I did physio to help me do crutches. After that I went to the teen lounge with Anthony. When we got there I saw one of my old school friends named Sahara. We played buzz on the playstation which was fun.
After that we went to Toni’s apartment. It was pretty fancy that night. We watched Karate kid. The next day we had breakfast in the shared kitchen. Then we went back upstairs to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and it was hilarious. When we left the lady gave us lego.
Then we went back to the hospital to have a check up. When we did we also were visitors of Anthony and his mum because we were an hour early. Me and Anthony split an easter egg and chocolate buttons. He also gave me a marshmallow lollipop. It was really sweet so Toni took the feet and the eyes. Then we went to the chemist to get my prescription which consisted of tramadol, panadol and ibuprofen.
We went back to Toni’s mums house for two nights and then travelled home.
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